While this page is about Keto and You, it’s ALSO about Keto and US.
Friends for over 10 years, Kammie and Bonnie know pretty much all there is to know about each other. They’ve served in church callings together, been neighbors, raised kids together and more. We cry, laugh, yell, and rant together.
Pretty much whatever the other tries, she gets the other one to do it, too. This does not bode well for anyone who decides to jump off a bridge – the other is going to follow and probably yell at her the whole way down.
We don’t pull any punches and you’re going to benefit from our frank discussions and the experiences we’ve had on this Keto journey. We also have tried EVERY recipe on this site. Usually we alter recipes from other sites because while they look good on paper, they don’t taste much better than that paper. Ugh. We fix them and make them edible, because we’re actually eating this stuff.
This is our lifestyle… not a diet. We want you to feel the same way we do.

Bonnie: I’m a USA Today Best-Selling author with over 130 books out across 7 pen names. I write all the genres from sweet romance to apocalyptic thrillers to nonfiction and more. With 6 kids filling my life with blessings, I’ve been married to my husband for almost 20 years and we just fall more and more in love with each other.
I’ve fought with my weight since I graduated high school. Before that I was in track and all kinds of other sports you can think of so weight wasn’t a real issue for me.
Since then? I had 6 babies in 9 years and I let myself eat a Digiorno a day on most of the pregnancies. Let’s not even talk about the visits to Arby’s. I’ve done EVERY diet known to man and nothing has helped me stay away from my binges or my obsession with food… Until NOW.
My name is Bonnie and I’m a food addict. I’m also down 31 pounds since I started eating ketogenically. I’m down 14 inches overall and I can wear pants I couldn’t wear in a long time. I’m starting to find myself and I’m no longer obsessed with food. For the first time IN MY LIFE, I have to remind myself to eat.
Come on this journey with me and my friend. We want you to benefit from a healthy lifestyle – no matter what works for you.

Kammie: I’m an Aromatherapist and Herbalist with over 20 years of experience and knowledge in the use of essential oils and medicinal herbs. I serve as a community education instructor on natural health and healing for the local colleges in my area, and enjoy helping people with their continuing education in essential oils and herbs to benefit their personal lives.
I’ve been married to my sweetheart for 25 years and together we have 4 wonderful children, who have all grown into amazing, successful young adults. Over the years, I have subjected my family to a host of herbal concoctions all in the name of natural health, and to their credit they have always stuck by me!
While my family was in full motion, and while I was playing “soccer mom”, driving kids to practices, games, recitals, and lessons, the weight just crept up on me. It seems as if one day I woke up, looked in the mirror, and didn’t recognize the unhealthy, over weight person that reflected back. Add to that that I’m kind of lazy and think the word “Exercise” is a bad word. Thus began my search for the “easy” way out to lose my weight. From diet pills to slimming milkshakes and teas, I would lose a little then gain twice as much back. My yoyo dieting was not natural and completely went against all that I knew.
My name is Kammie and I’m a procrastinator. I’m down 40 pounds since I started eating ketogenically. I’ve lost a total of 19 inches and I can finally see the person I once was reflecting back at me in the mirror. I have gained my confidence back and actually have the energy and desire to exercise. I wish I wouldn’t have procrastinated this way of life. I finally don’t feel the need to eat all the time and have found my FOOD FREEDOM!!!
Join us on our journey and learn how you can stop the unnatural yoyo dieting. Eating Keto is truly the easy way to a healthy body and we want you to find your food freedom too!!! Don’t wait, start now!!