3 basic mindsets to Guarantee Keto Success
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I don’t know how many diets you’ve been through, but let me tell you, if you don’t have the right mindset, chances are you’re not going to succeed. In fact, if you’re like most people, your experience will fit a very familiar pattern. First, you’re all excited about the diet and sure enough, you follow the directions very closely.
Let’s be honest, most diets are set up to fail. it sucks, but when we feel restricted and there’s no way we can get around that craving or that need, we have a hard time sticking to the diet. Plus, diets aren’t exactly considered sustainable because they’re called DIETS.
Call them your lifestyle and you have no problems, but a diet? Yeah, you’re already screwed before you’ve even begun.
But let’s say that you are starting a diet or a new way of eating and let’s say it’s any of the diets in the past, you know which ones I’m talking about.
Well, you’re all excited and thanks to your careful dietary guidelines, and your eager compliance, you start losing a lot of pounds. So far so good, right? This keeps up for maybe a few more days or even a few more weeks. But sooner or later, the pounds start coming back. WHY?
WHY? Did you only slip up ONE time? Or maybe a couple little times, it shouldn’t hurt, right? Maybe you only had the ONE binge. I mean, that shouldn’t have ruined anything for you, right?
Next, things go from bad to worse. You start gaining more weight than when you began your diet. Isn’t the whole point of going on a diet to lose weight?! Holy metro, how am I fatter than when I started? I feel like I’m talking about the nightmare of my weight loss yoyoing journey.
I need to go eat something to make myself feel better. Hold on.
Okay, so back to it.
Sadly, most diets are gateways, believe it or not, to additional weight gain; talk about a frustrating situation, ammiright?
The reason why people go through this all too familiar tragic pattern is because they don’t have the right mindset. It doesn’t matter whether you are trying to adopt the keto diet, the paleo diet, the Atkins diet, the Ornish, or any other loss program, without the right mindset, you are playing the game to lose.
At the very least, you should adopt three basic mindsets that will ensure keto diet success.
Mindset #1
Believe you can do it
It’s very easy to get excited about the testimonials included in many diet books. You look at the before-and-after pictures and you get all pumped up. Please understand that a lot of those pictures are exaggerated. In fact, a lot of books that are very shady even use photoshopped pictures.
I know it’s shocking. But you and I both know about magazines and photoshopping models. Well, with the diet industry a multi-billion dollar industry, it really isn’t that hard to believe that people would actually alter results. A little bit of skepticism goes a long way. Still, don’t just focus on the fact that the diet can work for other people. Instead, wrap your mind around the possibility that the diet can actually work for you.
That’s right, you personally, individually. If you can’t understand that, and if you can’t accept the likelihood of a certain weight-loss program working for you, then you’re making things much harder on yourself. It’s like trying to play basketball and trying to put the ball through the hoop.
If in the back of your head you’re saying to yourself, “Other people can shoot really well, but not me,” what do you think will happen? Your shooting accuracy will go down. You’re sabotaging yourself. You’re making things unnecessarily harder on yourself.
This is why it’s really important to assume that you can achieve success with the keto way of eating. Not the case study pictures, not the people giving testimonials, we are talking about you. If you can’t make this assumption, then it’s going to be a rough road ahead for you, no matter what diet you decide to take on.
Mindset #2
Begin with what you have
One common reason why people fail with diets is because they think that they have to transform into a completely different person. Alternatively, they believe that their circumstances or their situations need to change so dramatically so as to ensure success.
When people think along these lines, they’re basically just giving themselves excuses for either not trying, or for expecting bad results. Believe me, I understand why people do this. If you have been let down by diet after diet, it’s very easy to become jaded.
In fact, in many cases, it’s very easy to expect failure. After all, you’ve gone through the familiar process of initially losing weight, and then getting it all back. It becomes an old story, and it’s only a matter of time until your heart gets broken again.
This is why you think that you should change everything that you can possibly change, to lay the groundwork for ultimate success. Again, you’re making things unnecessarily harder on yourself. It doesn’t have to be like this. You don’t have to move heaven and earth to create optimal conditions.
You know why? Conditions are never perfect. There will never be a time when your circumstances will be just right for you to ensure success. You’re going to have to take that risk. You’re going to have to begin with what you have.
It doesn’t matter what discipline level you have. It doesn’t matter what else is going on in your life. It doesn’t matter whether you feel good about yourself. All that matters is that you are ready, willing and able to begin with what you have and assume that this will work for you.
What’s nice is the keto lifestyle is not something that costs money. In fact, supplements, meetings, expensive trackers, or even special meal plans aren’t NECESSARY. You don’t need to spend money to lose weight and that’s why all the pay-to-play diet programs are so frustrated with Keto. You don’t have to pay money to live a healthier life. You can do it by just being you and using a lot of the things that are already in your cupboards and pantry.
Mindset #3
Enjoy your food according to rules you choose
Another key “pillar” for keto diet success involves the issue of control. A lot of people fail with diets because they think that they are putting some sort of dietary straitjacket on themselves. For instance, they don’t normally like a certain taste, but since they’re switching over to a new diet, they force themselves to like a certain range of flavors.
Let me tell you, it’s only a matter of time until your old self rears its ugly head. It’s only a matter time until you go back to how you normally eat. This is a very frustrating situation. It’s as if you are doing really well, and you’re making all these changes, and all of a sudden your old self pulls you back. You end up where you began.
This is why it’s really important to focus on enjoying your food. This is not an ordeal. This is not some sort of punishment. This is not some sort of situation where you feel that you are denying yourself. Instead, the keto diet should be a celebration of taste. It all really boils down to enjoying your food according to keto rules.
You have to first choose the keto rules. You have to first choose to go on the diet, and then you select based on your existing tastes.
- There’s no need to become somebody else.
- There’s no need to change your taste buds.
- There’s no need to go through any of that.
Instead, allow yourself to enjoy the flavor range that you are already enjoying.
Now here’s the thing, even if you have a sweet tooth, you’re going to have to minimize that until you can figure out how to substitute sweeteners and enjoy desserts like keto cheesecake, keto cinnamon rolls, and keto steamers. That’s the only change, but for everything else, whether you like sour foods, salty foods, or definitely fatty foods, you should be fine. As long as you manage your sweet tooth, you should be okay.
Keep atop the mindsets above if you want to be successful with the keto diet. I’m not going to lie to you and say that you can adopt these mindsets overnight. After all, the way you see things, and the way you expect things to play out, have been with you for a long time. You’ve grown accustomed to thinking about food a certain way and dieting an even more specific painful way.
But if you change your mindset according to the 3 key pillars above, adopting the keto diet will become easier, and it is more likely to stick.
If anyone can do it, it’s you!